Founded in 1968, the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation has been supporting students of all ages wanting an arts education.  For over 50 years, the Associates have donated nearly $2,5 million dollar dollars for student scholarships to Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program, once known as ISOMATA.

Our community activities include art auctions, celebrity performances, and, lets not forget, a 21 year run of producing Jazz in the Pines; after the leadership change four years ago, we continued our support by organizing 300 volunteers a year.  As a 100% volunteer organization we have no paid staff nor physical offices; all our revenue is donated to Idyllwild Arts.

To act as a nonprofit association for the support
of education in the arts
particularly the programs offered by the Idyllwild
Arts Academy & Summer Program.
We also provide activities for the local community

The Associates have always been there to assist Idyllwild Arts; no matter what the situation; that includes the Pandemic of 2020.  We found ways to donate over $60,000 in the Spring of 2020, we have recently made a  donation from our Endowment Fund.  However the needs and challenges facing Idyllwild Arts today are greater than any in our past.  The COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 has created a sharp increase in the need for student scholarships for both the Academy and Summer Program of the school.  The exposure to and creation of art has proven to be a healing tool for children and adults alike.  The expenses of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) needed during the Pandemic continue to rise.  The cost of student, faculty, and staff testing, food services changes, and physical changes needed on campus are extremely expensive.

We are here to help as we have done for over 50 years.  Today I ask you to assist the Associates in building a fund which will allow more students of all ages to attend the Academy and Summer Program of Idyllwild Arts.  100% of your donation will become part of our 2020 Special Student Scholarship Fund.  The Associates are a California 501©3 Non-Profit Corporation; after consultation with your tax advisor, your gift may be tax deductible.


To donate to our Student Scholarship Fund by check, please make your check payable to the Associates/Scholarship Fund and mail to the Associates of IAF/Scholarship Fund, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92540.  If you have any questions, please email us at associates@idyllwildarts.org or call (951) 659-2171 ext2333.

On behalf of the Associates and the student artists of the world, we thank you for your generosity and support.  Please remember that 100% of any donation to the Associates will benefit the students of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.

The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation
PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
(951) 659-2131 x2333
Facebook:  Associatesofiaf

California 501©3 Non-Profit Tax ID: 33-0035443