Earlier this year, we sadly lost a long serving and dedicated Associate, Katie Grigsby.
Katie Grigsby
1931 to 2022
Katie was instrumental in establishing a permanent endowment fund in support of Idyllwild Arts’ students. She with a few other Associates recommended that a $1,600 Elderhostel donation be used to fund an endowment. The Endowment Fund was created in 1988 and grew over the first years through many small donations. Later larger donations were made in memory of Associates and others who had passed away. Her recommendation to donate 10% of the net proceeds from Associates’ events, such as Jazz in the Pines, was the driving force for the endowment’s growth to the $310,000 that it is today!
If you haven’t already, please take this opportunity to join your fellow Associates in honoring the service and memory of Katie Grigsby by contributing to the ENDOWMENT FUND in her name.
You may make a donation on our website by clicking https://associatesofiaf.org/give/
OR mail a check to
The Associates of IAF Endowment
PO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
All donations will go into the Fund’s principal and will remain intact with the earnings supporting Idyllwild Arts student scholarships for generations to come.
Thank you
Terry Casella, Chair
Endowment Fund
Michael Slocum, President
Associates of IAF