Enriching Lives
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation supports education through the arts, specifically the programs of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. A gift to the Associates will help to continue the vision of Idyllwild Arts founders, Max and Bea Krone, who believed that the arts were the key to peaceful cooperation of all people of the world.
A gift is an ideal way to remember a loved one, a teacher, a mentor, and so many people who have changed lives through the arts. A gift may be designated to any area of your choice.
Please consider making a gift to the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation.
Honor the founder of the Associates Endowment Fund, Katie Grisby
Katie Grisby was instrumental in establishing a permanent endowment fund in support of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program students. She was the leader of a group of Associates that recommended that a $1,600 Elderhostel donation be used to fund a new endowment.
Our Endowment Fund was created in 1968 and grew over the first years with many small donations. Larger donations have been made in memory of Associates and others who have passed away.
Katie’s recommendation that the Associates donate 10% of the net proceeds of Jazz in the Pines and other special events is the driving force for the endowment’s growth to over $300,000 today.
Each year, the Associates Endowment Fund makes a donation supporting the students of Idyllwild Arts in need of scholarships. Please consider being part of that gift.
Please take this opportunity to make a contribution to our Endowment Fund in honor of Katie Grisby or your own family or friend.
Become An Associate of IAF
Reasons for joing the Associates are as varied as the individual members. Some join just to support scholarship programs. Equally import to many is working with other who care about music, theatre, dance, creative writing, visual art and film. Many enjoy the socializing and fun get-togethers with other members. During the summer, the Associates sponsor weekly potlicks with the Summer Program faculty staff, and students. If you are new to our community, joing the Associates may be your way to meet people and get aquainted. Whatever the reason, you’ll be joining a group of people who are committed to supporting Art Education.
Join Today