Jazz in the Pines 2024 A fundraiser presented by the Associates of IAF SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
By sponsoring Opening Night, you’re not just making a donation; you’re sponsoring dreams, fostering education, and ensuring the Jazz In The Pines Student Clinic remains a beacon for exceptional young musicians from June 30th to July 13th. This clinic isn’t just any summer camp; it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students to learn firsthand from Jazz legends in an intimate festival setting, enriching their artistic journey and broadening their horizons.
This is your opportunity to support the students of Idyllwild Arts: Sponsor Opening Night 2024.
Our Endowment
Earlier this year, we sadly lost a long serving and dedicated Associate, Katie Grigsby.
Katie Grigsby
1931 to 2022
Katie was instrumental in establishing a permanent endowment fund in support of Idyllwild Arts’ students. She with a few other Associates recommended that a $1,600 Elderhostel donation be used to fund an endowment. The Endowment Fund was created in 1988 and grew over the first years through many small donations. Later larger donations were made in memory of Associates and others who had passed away. Her recommendation to donate 10% of the net proceeds from Associates’ events, such as Jazz in the Pines, was the driving force for the endowment’s growth to the $310,000 that it is today!
If you haven’t already, please take this opportunity to join your fellow Associates in honoring the service and memory of Katie Grigsby by contributing to the ENDOWMENT FUND in her name.
You may make a donation on our website by clicking https://associatesofiaf.org/give/
OR mail a check to
The Associates of IAF Endowment
PO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
All donations will go into the Fund’s principal and will remain intact with the earnings supporting Idyllwild Arts student scholarships for generations to come.
Thank you
Terry Casella, Chair
Endowment Fund
Michael Slocum, President
Associates of IAF
Teacher Appreciation Day
Giving Tree
Introducing our Giving Tree for 2021; a fun, easy way to support the Associates Scholarship Fund; all of the proceeds support the students of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. Simply buy a colorful paper ornament. It is easy to give, select a payment method, name your ornament which can be your name, a student, a family member, a remembrance, or even anonymous. Select an amount from $5 to $5000. Submit payment and we will add your ornament to our Giving Tree during our 2021 Holiday Party on December 18. Of course, you can do this in person at our Holiday Party. We will send you a photograph of your ornament on the Giving Tree. Remember, your ornament will help the students of Idyllwild Arts.
Buying an ornament is easy: to use a credit card or PayPal account, click the “GIVE” tab above and enter your amount. On the memo line, add “Giving Tree” and the name you would like on the ornament. Please be exact. If you are more comfortable, email us the details after the transaction is complete: associates@idyllwildarts.org
To pay by check, mail a check payable to the Associates/Giving Tree to PO BOX 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549. To guarantee placement on the Giving Tree, please email us with your name, the dollar amount, and the name to be on the ornament. Send the email to Associates@idyllwildarts.org.
You may also call us: (951) 659-2171 x2333. Your call will be returned within 24 hours.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation is a California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 100% of your donation will become part of a gift to support the students of Idyllwild Arts.
Welcome Back – our Annual Meeting
Join the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation at our Annual Meeting – A Celebration and Reunion. Our Welcome Back Celebration & Meeting begins at 4:30 in the afternoon on Sunday July 25, 2021 on the Idyllwild Arts Campus – Studio D/the French Quarter. Mingle, see old friends, make new ones at our reception beginning at 4:30 with the soft sounds of Idyllwild’s own ScAtLiSh. A BBQ dinner will be served including Organic Chicken, Tri-Tip Beef, Vegan Gluten-Free Meatballs, and Vegan Bratwurst. We will hear the State of The Idyllwild Arts Foundation from Pamela Jordan, President of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation, an Associates Update by Michael Slocum, President of the Associates of IAF, and our Officers and Board will be elected before dessert is served. We promise our emcee will keep things rolling so we can enjoy the dance tunes performed by ScAtLiSh.
Welcome Back is open to all current, paid Associate members at no charge. Non-Members including potential and/or expired members plus family and friends may attend at a cost of just $20 per individual.
Save the Date: Sunday July 25, 2021. This Celebration and Meeting will be filled with music, food, drink, fun, and surprises; you do not want to miss it.
Remember, all COVID restrictions, protocols, and guidelines in place on July 25 will be followed.
For additional information, questions, or to reserve tickets for your guests, please email associates@idyllwiuldarts.org or call (951) 659-2171 x2333
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation have been supporting the students of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program since 1968; over 53 years! With community performances and concerts, informative presentations, and aiding those less fortunate, the Associates is always there for the town of Idyllwild and the surrounding mountain communities.
What we do is driven by our membership. As a member, your voice is heard. 100% of our membership dues is donated to Idyllwild Arts and various organizations in our communities. In the early days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Associates donated funds to help the Mountain Communities COVID-19 mutual Aid Food Program get off the ground. In past years we have supported the HELP Center with Food Drives and financial support. After the Cranston Fire, the Associates recognized our first responders by making a needed and appreciated gift to various organizations. Yes, we still support the students at Idyllwild Arts with gifts of nearly $2.5 million dollars over the last 53 years.
How do we do it? Our members do it! Our members pay their annual dues, they plan and attend our special events, and some invite new members. You can join the Associates and make a difference. Annual memberships are still, after 53 years, just $100. Membership does make a difference in our community and in the life of a student at Idyllwild Arts.
I invite you to join the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation. You can easily join by clicking the MEMBERSHIP tab above. The Associates are a California Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization; please consult with your tax advisors about the benefits of joining our organization. The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation supports the Idyllwild Arts Foundation but we are a separate autonomous organization.
Remember, you can make a difference. Join today!
The Associates of Idyllwild Arts present our annual Holiday Party on Saturday December 12, 2020 at 5 PM. Keeping safe and socially responsible, this years party will be virtual and be presented with ZOOM.
Join us for a full line up of fun and entertainment; just bring your beverage of choice.
Our Speaker will be Pamela Jordan, President of Idyllwild Arts. Ms Jordan will give us all an update on the Academy’s Fall semester and the upcoming Springs semester.
A celebrity reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas will be presented by stage, screen, and television stars Wendie Malick and Dan Lauria. You, your family and friends of all ages will enjoy this Christmas classic.
Our entertainment includes jazz singer ROSE MALLETT, a favorite of Jazz in the Pines. Most recently, Rose starred in the Associates production of Women in Jazz. Watch and listen as Rose puts her very special spin on the holiday favorites.
Just added: Vocalist Rose Colella with the Rose Colella Trio. Rose is another star of our production of Women in Jazz. Rose will sing some Christmas classics including Santa Baby.
No Holiday Party would be complete without an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest. The virtual contest winner’s photograph will be shared with the Town Crier with all the bragging rights. Time to find that very special sweater.
Last but not least, a virtual auction for one of the Associates amazing Holiday Gift Baskets.
Follow us on Facebook for updates and new additions to our virtual party.
This event is free to all members, family, and guests. Please invite your friends and those who may be interested in the Associates.
Would you like to help the Associates continue to present events like this for our community? Please consider donating to the Associates; simply click on this link:
We hope to see you SATURDAY DECEMBER 12 at 5:00.
Our ZOOM link: https://idyllwildarts.zoom.us/j/96510131801
Meeting ID 965 1013 1801
Remember, all our welcome and the evening is free! Please contacts us at associates@idyllwildarts.org with any questions.
Founded in 1968, the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation has been supporting students of all ages wanting an arts education. For over 50 years, the Associates have donated nearly $2,5 million dollar dollars for student scholarships to Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program, once known as ISOMATA.
Our community activities include art auctions, celebrity performances, and, lets not forget, a 21 year run of producing Jazz in the Pines; after the leadership change four years ago, we continued our support by organizing 300 volunteers a year. As a 100% volunteer organization we have no paid staff nor physical offices; all our revenue is donated to Idyllwild Arts.
To act as a nonprofit association for the support
of education in the arts
particularly the programs offered by the Idyllwild
Arts Academy & Summer Program.
We also provide activities for the local community
The Associates have always been there to assist Idyllwild Arts; no matter what the situation; that includes the Pandemic of 2020. We found ways to donate over $60,000 in the Spring of 2020, we have recently made a donation from our Endowment Fund. However the needs and challenges facing Idyllwild Arts today are greater than any in our past. The COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 has created a sharp increase in the need for student scholarships for both the Academy and Summer Program of the school. The exposure to and creation of art has proven to be a healing tool for children and adults alike. The expenses of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) needed during the Pandemic continue to rise. The cost of student, faculty, and staff testing, food services changes, and physical changes needed on campus are extremely expensive.
We are here to help as we have done for over 50 years. Today I ask you to assist the Associates in building a fund which will allow more students of all ages to attend the Academy and Summer Program of Idyllwild Arts. 100% of your donation will become part of our 2020 Special Student Scholarship Fund. The Associates are a California 501©3 Non-Profit Corporation; after consultation with your tax advisor, your gift may be tax deductible.
To donate to our Student Scholarship Fund by check, please make your check payable to the Associates/Scholarship Fund and mail to the Associates of IAF/Scholarship Fund, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92540. If you have any questions, please email us at associates@idyllwildarts.org or call (951) 659-2171 ext2333.
On behalf of the Associates and the student artists of the world, we thank you for your generosity and support. Please remember that 100% of any donation to the Associates will benefit the students of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation
PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
(951) 659-2131 x2333
Facebook: Associatesofiaf
California 501©3 Non-Profit Tax ID: 33-0035443
SPOTLIGHT on LEADERSHIP – November 9, 2020
All our welcome! Join us for our monthly Spotlight on Leadership presentations via ZOOM. Meet Shelly Short, Chair of Film and Digital Media at Idyllwild Arts on November 9, 2020 at 10 AM.
Idyllwild Arts Face Masks
Show your school spirit! Support Idyllwild Arts! Support the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation! An ideal and fun way to show your support for Idyllwild Arts while staying safe! The Idyllwild Arts face masks can be yours for a $10 donation. It is easy to order: Go to GIVE on this website; enter the quantity and mailing address in the Special Comments box on the donate page. Securely enter your credit card information or Pay Pal account. Any questions or if you prefer to pay by check, email associates@idyllwildarts.org Mail orders with address, quantity, and a check payable to the Associates of IAF to PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
The masks are generous in size; they measure about 16″ from end to end when stretched open.
All proceeds will be donated to Idyllwild Arts. The postage is paid by a donor , so 100% of your donation will go to Idyllwild Arts.
Annual Membership Meeting
Our SPOTLIGHT on LEADERSHIP Series returns on Monday June 8 at 10 AM. All Associates’ meetings and presentations will be presented online with ZOOM; we have no planned in-person group meetings
Vice President of Educational Programs at Idyllwild Arts Academy
“Evaluating Online versus On-Site Learning in Arts Education”
Online Monday June 8, 2020 @ 10 AM
Our monthly General Meeting will follow
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 5354 1352
Mobile telephone access is always available
Our Spotlight on Leadership series returns on May 11, 2020. The speaker will be Mark Davis, Vice President, Summer and Auxiliary Programs of Idyllwild Arts. This is your chance to ask and learn about the new reimagined Summer Program and what opportunities await you in our Online Summer Program. Learn about summer, see your friends, all from the comfort of your own home. This meeting will be virtual using ZOOM.
If you’d like to be part of this Virtual Meeting, please email us at associates@idyllwildarts.org The ZOOM link will be sent to you.
SPOTLIGHT on LEADERSHIP – Summer Program 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
10 AM
Be part of our virtual meeting using ZOOM
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation present a one-day-only performance of Women of Jazz on Saturday November 9, 2019 at 2 PM. Learn about the landmark women performers in the world of jazz while enjoying the sounds of Rose Mallett, Yves Evans, and Rose Colella with the musicians of the Idyllwild Arts Academy Jazz Department including both students and faculty. This will be the first time all three of these women have performed on the same stage. The performance is a fundraiser to support to Scholarship Funds of the Jazz Music students of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation.
Saturday November 9, 2019 at 2 PM
William M Lowman Concert Hall
Idyllwild Arts Academy Campus
There are two ticket options:
GENERAL ADMISSION: $25 per person
VIP: $50.00 per person
VIP includes preferred seating and an invitation to a “Meet and Greet” immediately following the performance in the Parks Exhibition Gallery on the Idyllwild Arts Campus. There is a limited number of VIP tickets available.
or by mailing a check to the “Associates/Jazz”, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
Sponsorships are available; contact us at (951) 659-2171 x2333