2024 Holiday Brunch Sponsorship
2024 Holiday Party Ticketing
We ask all who plan to attend our Jingle and Mingle Holiday Brunch to please register here. We have a exciting day planned with brunch, entertainment by Two t’ Suite, beverages, Holiday Bazaar, Giving Tree, and Wreaths for Charity. As a current member, please register here at no charge. You may also purchase guest tickets at $40 each.
Our Endowment
Long time Associate, Katie Grisby was instrumental in establishing a permanent endowment fund in support of Idyllwild Arts’ students. She with a few other Associates recommended that a $1,600 Elderhostel donation be used to fund an endowment. The Endowment Fund was created in 1988 and grew over the first years through many small donations. Later larger donations were made in memory of Associates and others who had passed away. Her recommendation to donate 10% of the net proceeds from Associates’ events, such as Jazz in the Pines, was the driving force for the endowment’s growth to the $310,000 that it is today!
The Associates are proud to make a gift from our Endowment Fund to the Idyllwild Arts Scholarship Fund annually. Be part of the fund; you may honor family and friend, you may direct your donation to a specific disciplne or department.
You may make your donation to our Endowment Fund on our website by clicking https://associatesofiaf.org/give/
OR mail a check to
The Associates of IAF Endowment
PO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
All donations will go into the Fund’s principal and will remain intact with the earnings supporting Idyllwild Arts student scholarships for generations to come.
Thank you
Terry Casella, Chair
Endowment Fund
Michael Slocum, President
Associates of IAF
Teacher Appreciation Day
Giving Tree
Introducing our Giving Tree for 2021; a fun, easy way to support the Associates Scholarship Fund; all of the proceeds support the students of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. Simply buy a colorful paper ornament. It is easy to give, select a payment method, name your ornament which can be your name, a student, a family member, a remembrance, or even anonymous. Select an amount from $5 to $5000. Submit payment and we will add your ornament to our Giving Tree during our 2021 Holiday Party on December 18. Of course, you can do this in person at our Holiday Party. We will send you a photograph of your ornament on the Giving Tree. Remember, your ornament will help the students of Idyllwild Arts.
Buying an ornament is easy: to use a credit card or PayPal account, click the “GIVE” tab above and enter your amount. On the memo line, add “Giving Tree” and the name you would like on the ornament. Please be exact. If you are more comfortable, email us the details after the transaction is complete: associates@idyllwildarts.org
To pay by check, mail a check payable to the Associates/Giving Tree to PO BOX 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549. To guarantee placement on the Giving Tree, please email us with your name, the dollar amount, and the name to be on the ornament. Send the email to Associates@idyllwildarts.org.
You may also call us: (951) 659-2171 x2333. Your call will be returned within 24 hours.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation is a California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 100% of your donation will become part of a gift to support the students of Idyllwild Arts.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation have been supporting the students of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program since 1968; over 53 years! With community performances and concerts, informative presentations, and aiding those less fortunate, the Associates is always there for the town of Idyllwild and the surrounding mountain communities.
What we do is driven by our membership. As a member, your voice is heard. 100% of our membership dues is donated to Idyllwild Arts and various organizations in our communities. In the early days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Associates donated funds to help the Mountain Communities COVID-19 mutual Aid Food Program get off the ground. In past years we have supported the HELP Center with Food Drives and financial support. After the Cranston Fire, the Associates recognized our first responders by making a needed and appreciated gift to various organizations. Yes, we still support the students at Idyllwild Arts with gifts of nearly $2.5 million dollars over the last 53 years.
How do we do it? Our members do it! Our members pay their annual dues, they plan and attend our special events, and some invite new members. You can join the Associates and make a difference. Annual memberships are still, after 53 years, just $100. Membership does make a difference in our community and in the life of a student at Idyllwild Arts.
I invite you to join the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation. You can easily join by clicking the MEMBERSHIP tab above. The Associates are a California Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization; please consult with your tax advisors about the benefits of joining our organization. The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation supports the Idyllwild Arts Foundation but we are a separate autonomous organization.
Remember, you can make a difference. Join today!
The Associates of Idyllwild Arts present our annual Holiday Party on Saturday December 12, 2020 at 5 PM. Keeping safe and socially responsible, this years party will be virtual and be presented with ZOOM.
Join us for a full line up of fun and entertainment; just bring your beverage of choice.
Our Speaker will be Pamela Jordan, President of Idyllwild Arts. Ms Jordan will give us all an update on the Academy’s Fall semester and the upcoming Springs semester.
A celebrity reading of Twas the Night Before Christmas will be presented by stage, screen, and television stars Wendie Malick and Dan Lauria. You, your family and friends of all ages will enjoy this Christmas classic.
Our entertainment includes jazz singer ROSE MALLETT, a favorite of Jazz in the Pines. Most recently, Rose starred in the Associates production of Women in Jazz. Watch and listen as Rose puts her very special spin on the holiday favorites.
Just added: Vocalist Rose Colella with the Rose Colella Trio. Rose is another star of our production of Women in Jazz. Rose will sing some Christmas classics including Santa Baby.
No Holiday Party would be complete without an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest. The virtual contest winner’s photograph will be shared with the Town Crier with all the bragging rights. Time to find that very special sweater.
Last but not least, a virtual auction for one of the Associates amazing Holiday Gift Baskets.
Follow us on Facebook for updates and new additions to our virtual party.
This event is free to all members, family, and guests. Please invite your friends and those who may be interested in the Associates.
Would you like to help the Associates continue to present events like this for our community? Please consider donating to the Associates; simply click on this link:
We hope to see you SATURDAY DECEMBER 12 at 5:00.
Our ZOOM link: https://idyllwildarts.zoom.us/j/96510131801
Meeting ID 965 1013 1801
Remember, all our welcome and the evening is free! Please contacts us at associates@idyllwildarts.org with any questions.
Founded in 1968, the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation has been supporting students of all ages wanting an arts education. For over 50 years, the Associates have donated nearly $2,5 million dollar dollars for student scholarships to Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program, once known as ISOMATA.
Our community activities include art auctions, celebrity performances, and, lets not forget, a 21 year run of producing Jazz in the Pines; after the leadership change four years ago, we continued our support by organizing 300 volunteers a year. As a 100% volunteer organization we have no paid staff nor physical offices; all our revenue is donated to Idyllwild Arts.
To act as a nonprofit association for the support
of education in the arts
particularly the programs offered by the Idyllwild
Arts Academy & Summer Program.
We also provide activities for the local community
The Associates have always been there to assist Idyllwild Arts; no matter what the situation; that includes the Pandemic of 2020. We found ways to donate over $60,000 in the Spring of 2020, we have recently made a donation from our Endowment Fund. However the needs and challenges facing Idyllwild Arts today are greater than any in our past. The COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 has created a sharp increase in the need for student scholarships for both the Academy and Summer Program of the school. The exposure to and creation of art has proven to be a healing tool for children and adults alike. The expenses of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) needed during the Pandemic continue to rise. The cost of student, faculty, and staff testing, food services changes, and physical changes needed on campus are extremely expensive.
We are here to help as we have done for over 50 years. Today I ask you to assist the Associates in building a fund which will allow more students of all ages to attend the Academy and Summer Program of Idyllwild Arts. 100% of your donation will become part of our 2020 Special Student Scholarship Fund. The Associates are a California 501©3 Non-Profit Corporation; after consultation with your tax advisor, your gift may be tax deductible.
To donate to our Student Scholarship Fund by check, please make your check payable to the Associates/Scholarship Fund and mail to the Associates of IAF/Scholarship Fund, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92540. If you have any questions, please email us at associates@idyllwildarts.org or call (951) 659-2171 ext2333.
On behalf of the Associates and the student artists of the world, we thank you for your generosity and support. Please remember that 100% of any donation to the Associates will benefit the students of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation
PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
(951) 659-2131 x2333
Facebook: Associatesofiaf
California 501©3 Non-Profit Tax ID: 33-0035443
SPOTLIGHT on LEADERSHIP – November 9, 2020
All our welcome! Join us for our monthly Spotlight on Leadership presentations via ZOOM. Meet Shelly Short, Chair of Film and Digital Media at Idyllwild Arts on November 9, 2020 at 10 AM.
Idyllwild Arts Face Masks
Show your school spirit! Support Idyllwild Arts! Support the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation! An ideal and fun way to show your support for Idyllwild Arts while staying safe! The Idyllwild Arts face masks can be yours for a $10 donation. It is easy to order: Go to GIVE on this website; enter the quantity and mailing address in the Special Comments box on the donate page. Securely enter your credit card information or Pay Pal account. Any questions or if you prefer to pay by check, email associates@idyllwildarts.org Mail orders with address, quantity, and a check payable to the Associates of IAF to PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
The masks are generous in size; they measure about 16″ from end to end when stretched open.
All proceeds will be donated to Idyllwild Arts. The postage is paid by a donor , so 100% of your donation will go to Idyllwild Arts.
Annual Membership Meeting
Our SPOTLIGHT on LEADERSHIP Series returns on Monday June 8 at 10 AM. All Associates’ meetings and presentations will be presented online with ZOOM; we have no planned in-person group meetings
Vice President of Educational Programs at Idyllwild Arts Academy
“Evaluating Online versus On-Site Learning in Arts Education”
Online Monday June 8, 2020 @ 10 AM
Our monthly General Meeting will follow
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 998 5354 1352
Mobile telephone access is always available
Our Spotlight on Leadership series returns on May 11, 2020. The speaker will be Mark Davis, Vice President, Summer and Auxiliary Programs of Idyllwild Arts. This is your chance to ask and learn about the new reimagined Summer Program and what opportunities await you in our Online Summer Program. Learn about summer, see your friends, all from the comfort of your own home. This meeting will be virtual using ZOOM.
If you’d like to be part of this Virtual Meeting, please email us at associates@idyllwildarts.org The ZOOM link will be sent to you.
SPOTLIGHT on LEADERSHIP – Summer Program 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
10 AM
Be part of our virtual meeting using ZOOM
The Associates present an afternoon of beautiful classical music at a private home in mountain high Idyllwild. Music will be performed by friends and members of the Speltz and Levy families. Appetizers, desserts, and champagne will be served before and after the performance.
Musicale will be performed Sunday September 1, 2019 from 3 to 5 PM. Location of the venue will be sent to all ticket holders prior to the event.
Because of the generosity of the Spletz and Levy families, net proceeds will support the Scholarship Fund of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. Your ticket purchase does make a difference in the life of a student.
Two ticket options:
$45 general admission per person
$250 sponsorship which supports the event and our mission. Sponsorship includes two (2) complimentary tickets.
Limited seating! Location will be sent to all ticket holders prior to event.
Or mail a check to the Associates of Idyllwild Arts, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
All net proceeds of this benefit performance will be donated to the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program Scholarship Fund.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation is a California non-profit 501(c)3 Corporation founded in 1968. The Associates have been supporting the students of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation for over 50 years.
As part of “the ASSOCIATES presents” series, we are pleased to announce our first performance: HOT FLASH & MEN of PAUSE; a very special fundraiser. HANKY PANKY has just been added to our line-up! The proceeds of this performance will be donated to the Scholarship Fund of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program; helping students from Idyllwild and around the World.
The evening includes a buffet dinner and beverages at a private residence in Idyllwild. Join your friends and make new ones at this mountain-top setting while listening to the sounds of HOT FLASH & MEN of PAUSE.
Saturday May 25, 2019 from 5 PM to 8 PM
Tickets: $60 per person
The address and driving/parking directions will be sent to all ticket holders prior to the event.
A limited number of sponsorships are available: contact associates@idyllwildarts.org
There are only 50 seats available; purchase your tickets now as it will be a sell-out.
To purchase tickets:
Mail a check to the Associates of IAF/Hot Flash $60 per guest to:
PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
Call (951) 659-2171 x 2333
Sponsorship information can be requested by emailing us at associates@Idyllwildarts.org
A very special thank you to Anne and Barnaby Finch
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation is a California Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization. Net proceeds will support the Scholarship Funds of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation.
Meet our Spotlight on Business members for February 2019; we encourage you to shop local! Please consider supporting our Business Members.
Marsha Harlan Jewelers
Trudy Levy Designs
Please consider making a gift to the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation on GIVING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018. It is easy and our proceeds support the student scholarship funds at Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. We help support local students as well as students from afar. We have donated to support the “Baby Ballet Program” plus the smARTS program at the Idyllwild School. Your gift does make a difference.
To donate: click the GIVE link at the top of this page; it is that easy!
Or mail us a check with a notation of Giving Tuesday: the Associates, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
Help is support our students!
The ASSOCIATES of the IDYLLWILD FOUNDATION are pleased to announce our newest feature: SPOTLIGHT on BUSINESS. Every month the Associates will select four business members; the businesses will be featured here on our web site, as part of our Social Media page on FACEBOOK: associatesofiaf, in emails to all members, and be invited to speak at our monthly meeting.
Are you a Business Member of the Associates yet? Consider joining; we have over 50 members. Join online by following the MEMBERSHIP link above or by calling us at (951) 659-2171 x2333.
Please consider supporting our Business Members. Our Spotlight Business Members for November include:
PSMOUNTAIN GLASS – visit psmountainglass.com
Credence Organics: Facebook.com/thatcream
Sandii Castleberry Live Music Company: visit sandiicastleberry.com
the Red Kettle: located in the center of Idyllwild!
The ASSOCIATES of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation is proud to present the GUYS, a play by Anne Nelson starring Wendie Malick and Dan Lauira. Two performances in the Idyllwild Arts Theater on the Idyllwild Arts Campus. The proceeds from the two performances will support the First Responders of the Idyllwild Community and the Scholarship Funds of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
The Guys is a play by Anne Nelson about the aftereffects of the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11. In the play, Joan, an editor played by Wendy Malick, helps Nick, a FDNY captain played by Dan Lauria, prepare the eulogies for an unprecedented number of firefighters who died under his command that day. The play debuted at the Flea Theater on December 4, 2001, starring Signourey Weaver and Bill Murray.
Since 2001, the Guys has been presented in 48 US states and in the Czech Republic, Argentina, Japan, Italy, and Poland.
The ASSOCIATES present the Guys on:
Saturday September 22, 2018 at 7:00 PM with a VIP reception immediately following the performance.
Sunday September 23, 2018 at 2:00 PM with a VIP reception immediately following the performance.
General Admission Tickets are $25 per person per performance.
VIP Tickets are $50 per person per performance.
The ASSOCIATES wish to thank Wendie Malick, Dan Lauria, Anne Nelson, and the Idyllwild Arts Foundation for their generous support. These performances would have been possible without their generosity.
Please consider supporting the Associates production of The GUYS by becoming a sponsor. It is easy: go to our GIVE page (www.associatesofiaf.org/give) and click DONATE. You can make an online donation using your credit or debit card as well as PayPal. Add The GUYS Sponsorship in the special comments box. Send a check by mail to the Associates / The GUYS, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92649 OR call us at (951) 659-2171 x2333.
Producer Level: $1,000
Underwrites both performances: Saturday and Sunday
Includes four complimentary VIP tickets to either event
Recognition in program
Director Level: $500
Underwrites the two VIP receptions: both Saturday evening and Sunday matiness; includes wine, beverages, and appetizers
Includes two complimentary VIP tickets to either event
Recognition in program
Playwright Level: $350
Supports the marketing and advertising plans for the productions
Includes two complimentary VIP tickets to either performance
Recognition in program
Set Designer Level: $250
Helps off set the cost of props and set design
Includes two complimentary VIP tickets to either performance
Recognition in program
Music Director Level: $250
To help underwrite the live music used in the production.
Includes two complimentary VIP tickets to either performance.
Recognition in program
First Responder Level: $100
Allows us to invite 2 Idyllwild Area First Responders to the performance of their choice plus the VIP reception; the tickets may be used for the First Responder or their immediate family and guest.
Recognition in program
The Associates of the Idyllwild Foundation thank you for your support with the GUYS and all our community events.
Barbara Kinoshita – Volunteer of the Year 2018
At our June 10, 2018, Annual Meeting, Terry and Diana Kurr presented our 2018 Honor Award to Barbara Kinoshita, The Honor Award is recognition for being an outstanding supporter and volunteer of the Associates and of the entire Idyllwild community. As the Associate’s Membership Chair, Barbara has helped exceed our membership goals, played a key role in all our major events, supports her husband Ted at many Rotary Club functions, and can be seen throughout Idyllwild lending a helping hand.
When asked about this honor, Barbara replied “I was just doing my job, I am truly surprised and honored.” Please congratulate Barbara when you see her in town and on campus.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation are celebrating 50 years of giving! Better known as simply the Associates, the non-profit organization was founded in January 1968 with the mission of supporting the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
With a lot to celebrate, you are invited to join the Associates on May 26, 2018 at 5 PM on the Idyllwild Arts Campus in Idyllwild, California. The festivities will include beverages, dinner, music, a silent auction, dancing, and the inaugural Chairs for Charity exhibit and auction. Tickets for the Associates 50th Anniversary Celebration are just $45 per person and can be purchased here or by mailing a check to the Associates 50th, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549.
Our 50th Anniversary is a fundraiser for the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program Scholarship Fund. Cannot join us in May? Please consider making a donation.
Start your Holiday Season off with the Associates and join us Saturday December 9, 2017. The activities begin at 11:00 AM and include a presentation from Pamela Jordan, President and Head of School, Idyllwild Arts plus a presentation to Idyllwild Arts from the Associates. All of this while ticket sales for our basket raffle continue all morning. We have 8 custom baskets created with the generous donations of our general and business members. Plus entertainment, brunch, and holiday punch. All to support the Associates and the Scholarship Funds of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. See you there!
LOVE LETTERS, a play by A. R. Gurney starring televison, stage, and motion picture actors Wendie Malick and Dan Lauria. Love Letters is a funny and emotional portrait about the powerful connection of love. Two friends have exchanged notes, cards and letters with each other for over 50 years. From second grade, through summer vacations, to college, and well into adulthood, they have spent a lifetime discussing their hopes and ambitions, dreams and disappointments, and victories and defeats. But long after the letters are done, the real question remains: Have they made the right choices or is the love of their life only a letter away?
Wendie Malick has appeared in several stage productions and motion pictures. A few of her televsion credits include: FRASIER, BIG DAY, MOM, JUST SHOT ME, and HOT IN CLEVELAND. Dan Lauria played the role of Vince Lombardi in the Broadway show: LOMBARDI. He has also appeared in the television series PITCH and the WONDER YEARS.
LOVE LETTERS is presented by the Associates of Idyllwild Arts as a fundraiser for the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program Scholarship Fund.
Saturday November 11, 2017 at 7:30 PM
Idyllwild Arts Theatre, Idyllwild Arts Campus,. 52500 Temecula Dr, Idyllwild, CA
Ticketing options:
$25 General Admission available here or at the door
$50 VIP: SOLD OUT! Preferred seating at front of house and a reception with Wendie Malick and Dan Lauria following the performance in the Parks Exhibition Gallery.
Purchase Tickets Now
Or you may mail a check payable to the Associates of IAF, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549.
The Associates present an afternoon of beautiful classical music at the Ponderosa Concert Hall in mountain high Idyllwild. Music will be performed by friends and members of the Speltz and Levy families. Appetizers, desserts, and champagne will be served before and after the performance.
Musicale will be performed Sunday September 3, 2017 from 3 to 5 PM. Location of the Ponderosa Concert Hall will be sent to all ticket holders prior to the event.
Because of the generosity of the Spletz and Levy families, all proceeds will support the Scholarship Fund of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. Your ticket purchase does make a difference.
Tickets are $35 per person and can be purchased two ways; but buy early as this event is always a sell out!
Purchase tickets online here:
Purchase Tickets NowOr by mailing a check payable to the Associates/Musicale to PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549.
amazon smile
Are using Amazon Smile? Of course we hope you will list the Associates of Idyllwild Arts as your charity, but whoever you list, please use Amazon Smile. Check your Amazon setting today.
When customers shop on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by custome
2017 VOLUNTEER of the YEAR
Annamarie Padula, the Associates of Idyllwild Arts 2017 Volunteer of the Year.
The Volunteer of the Year award was given at our Annual Meeting on Sunday June 11, 2017, and was presented by last years recipients Diana and Terry Kurr. Annamarie was recognized for her role as our Recording Secretary, her commitment to Jazz in the Pines, and her continued involvement with so many Associate functions and performances. Please join us in congratulating Annamarie Padula.
The Associates of Idyllwild Arts’ 49th Annual Meeting is Sunday June 11, 2017 at 11:30 AM, in the Fireside Room in Nelson Hall on the Idyllwild Arts campus. All Associates and their guests are welcome to attend. Mingle with friends and enjoy a brunch. It is time to vote for your Board of Directors and Officers. Who will be our volunteer of the year? Learn what’s instore for our next year, our 50th Anniversary year. We hope to see as many of you as possible.
Pam Goldwasser
Our Vice-President Pamela Goldwasser passed away on April 25, 2017. Pam was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on October 5, 1956 and the world was never the same. As a child, she made life long friends, as an adult, everyone she met became a friend. Pam’s passions were many including Temple Har Shalom in Idyllwild and the Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation. She joined the Associates in April 2011 and served as Vice-President under both Anne Erikson and Michael Slocum. As an Associate, Pam’s passion was Jazz in the Pines; she was active in planning the Patron’s Dinner until days before she passed away. Her attention to detail will never be forgotten.
Pam and her husband Tim Wurtz were part of the community of Idyllwild. She will be missed by so many on and off the hill.
The ASSOCIATES of IAF present our annual APPRECIATION NIGHT. It is our time to thank the people at Idyllwild Arts for their hard work and dedication. This event is open to all current Associates and the faculty, leadership, administration, and invited guests of the Idyllwild Arts Academy & Summer Program. Not a member but would like to attend? Join by following the MEMBERSHIP tab above.
MAGICIAN DEAN APPLE – tickets now on sale
The Associates present a very special fundraiser, an evening with Magician Dean Apple. Hailed as “Palm Springs Premier International Man of Magic,” Dean Apple is equally comfortable performing close-up magic for an intimate gathering or on stage for performing comedy magic for 1000.
Featuring his awarding winning illusion “The Time Machine,” which is currently in auditions for America’s Got Talent, he also has an award-winning assistant in his wife, Debbie Apple, aka Pinky. He has performed at celebrity events featuring stars as diverse as Magic Johnson, Jay Leno, Congressman Raul Ruiz, and RG III and has appeared on TV’s Criminal Minds, Turning Point, and CBS News.
Dean started performing magic at the age of seven, for family and neighborhood kids. His passion today remains the same: to entertain audiences, altering reality one trick at a time, by making each moment magical! He resides in La Quinta, CA with his wife Debbie, their yellow lab Bailey, and of course, Tickles the bunny.
The Associates present this family friendly fundraiser on Saturday January 28, 2017 at 7 PM in the IAF Theater (Bowman Hall) on the Idyllwild Arts Campus. Tickets are reasonably priced at $20 per adult and $5 for students/children under 18 years of age. Tickets are available here or by mailing a check to:
The Associates of IAF/Magic, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549. Please indicate names of all guests.
PURCHASE TICKETS HERE by clicking this link:
Become a sponsor of this exciting event. See our sponsorship levels below. Contact Associates@Idyllwildarts.org or mail check to the Associates, PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549 – Marked Sponsorship.
$500 Abracadabra Level: 8 reserved seats at front of house, recognition in event’s program, recognition from stage, personal introduction to Dean Apple.
$250 Hocus Pocus Level: 6 reserved seats at front of house, recognition in event’s program, personal introduction to Dean Apple.
$100 Voila Level: 2 reserved seats at front of house, recognition in event’s program.
$50 Presto Level: Recognition in event’s program
Proceeds from this event, as with all Associate produced events, support the Scholarship Fund of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
2016 Holiday Brunch & Celebration
the ASSOCIATES present
Join us for food, drink, entertainment, our holiday gift basket raffle, and meeting friends new and old. This event is free for all current ASSOCIATES and their invited guests. If you would like to attend, please let us know at associates@idyllwildarts.org. Bring nothing but your friends and family; be ready to purchase tickets for our custom gift baskets. Proceeds from the raffle will be added to our gift to the Idyllwild Arts Scholarship Fund.
Our monthly general meeting will begin at 10 AM on Saturday December 10 in the Fireside Room.
Please contact us if you would like to be a sponsor for this event: associates@idyllwildarts.org
Join us for a very special Associates Meeting on Monday November 14, 2016. We begin the second phase of our “Meet the Leaders” series with “Spotlight on the Educators.” The first speaker of this series is Ellen Rosa Taylor, Chair of the Idyllwild Arts Dance Department. The month of November is quite busy for Ellen with the Fall Dance Concerts and the Bella Lewitzky 100th Birthday Anniversary Celebration. Ellen will speak at 10:00 AM on Monday November 14 in the Fireside Room.
Ian Schoenleber, Director of Development, will talk to the Associates about 2016 Jazz in tne Pines. Ian will bring more than numbers and share the importance Jazz in the Pines has to our community, our volunteers, Idyllwild Arts, and our development office. Ian will speak at 10:30 AM on Monday November 14 in the Fireside Room.
Join the Associates on Monday November 14, 2016 at 10:00 AM in the Fireside Room in the Nelson Dining Hall on the IAA campus for an exceptional and informative meeting. All are welcome. This is an ideal to bring a potential new member or simply one who is curious about the Associates.
Be part of the fun and excitement on Saturday October 8 when the Associates join the Art Alliance of Idyllwild and present the 19th Annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting . Visit the numerous artist hot spots along the streets of Idyllwild beginning at 10 AM and shop our many artists showcasing their work. From 2 to 5PM, enjoy the tastings offered by 18 Southern California wineries. The Art Walk is free and the Wine Tasting is a ticketed event.
Idyllwild Arts shuttles will be available for those needing an extra lift.
Tickets are $40 each and available online at www.artinidyllwild.org/event-2284287 until 10 PM Wednesday October 5. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the event registration site on Saturday October 8 at $50 per person. This event is always a sell out so do not be disappointed and order now.
On Saturday October 8, follow the crowds to the center of Idyllwild to pick up your wrist bands, wine glass, and gift bag.
This event is a fundraiser for the artists of Idyllwild and the students scholarship programs of the Idyllwild Arts Academy. For more details please visit www.artinidyllwild.org
ZIP LINE ADVENTURE – a fundraiser
Our annual fun filled afternoon at Astro Camp! Join the Associates for this afternoon of zip lining at Astro Camp. Tickets are $30 per person and each ticket holder is entitled to two rides. This event, like all Associate events, is a fundraiser for the Scholarship Programs of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
This year we have just 20 spots so order fast! It has always sold out but this year with limited availability, it is a guaranteed early sell out. To reserve your spot:
Please mail a check payable to the Associates of IAF
PO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
Please mark check “Zip Line.” Each order MUST include full names of those attending, email or mailing address, and telephone numbers. An Astro Camp agreement will be sent to all prior to October 1, 2016.
Restrictions Apply: Must be 7 years of age or older. Must weigh less than 250 pounds. Able to walk 1/2 mile and climb a cargo net. No broken bones, no heart or back issues. Not pregnant. All gear and training provided by Astro Camp.
For more information, please email associates@idyllwildarts.org
A Very Special Associates Meeting
Be sure to join us for our next Associates General Meeting on Monday August 8. Meet three members of Idyllwild Arts Leadership Team who are also leaders in our community.
TARA SECHREST: Director of Enrollment Management
Tara will talk about the “Challenges of our Current World: Local and International.”
Marianne and Don will tell us about their Karimu International Help Foundation, their efforts in Tanzania, how the students of Idyllwild Arts support the project, and how you may be able to help.
It will be an exceptional morning; be sure to attend and please invite your friends to join us August 8.
Monday August 8, 2016: 10:00 AM – NOON
Krone Library – Idyllwild Arts Campus
The Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation announce Membership Appreciation Month. We thank members, old and new, for supporting the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation. Membership has many benefits but the most important benefit is supporting the students of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. Since 1968, the Associates have donated financial support to the Scholarship Programs of Idyllwild Arts. Our gifts do make a difference to the future leaders of our community, country, and world.
The Associates offer many levels of membership which can be viewed by clicking the Membership Tab above. The benefits vary by level and may include recognition of your business, special VIP tickets to Jazz in the Pines, invitation to special Associate events, and so many other benefits. All membership levels do include use of the Idyllwild Arts pool, special discounts at Idyllwild Arts stores, and invitations to our annual dinner and meetings as well as making new friends. But remember, the Associates are 100% volunteer supported and your membership becomes part of our annual gift to Idyllwild Arts; your membership does matter to an aspiring artist.
Not a member yet? Click on the Membership Tab above and join our community of friends and supporters instantly. Be invited to our special events and activities throughout the year.
Currently a member? We thank you for your continued support. You help the Associates make it happen. It might the ideal time to think about upgrading your membership by clicking the Membership above.
The Associates thank each and every member, new and old. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions at associates@idyllwildarts.org.
The Associates present our Spring Musicale; an afternoon of Classical Music in an idyllic mountain setting. The Ponderosa Concert Hall in Idyllwild-Pine Cove is home to the Marion View Ensemble featuring members of the Levy and Spletz families. To complement this classical music performance, the Associates will be serving wine, appetizers, and dessert.
Limited Seating
Sunday May 29, 2016 3:00 PM
the Ponderosa Concert Hall – Idyllwild – Pine Cove
the address will be sent via email prior to the event.
Tickets: $35 per person
Purchase Tickets Now or mail a check payable to the Associates of IAFPO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
As with all Associate events, this is a fundraiser to support the Scholarship Programs of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. The Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation are a California 501(c) 3 non-propfit organization.
Jazz in the Gardens – A Fundraiser
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation present a spring fundraiser:
Paul Carman, Marshall Hawkins, & Barnaby Finch
Saturday May 21, 2016 2 PM – 4 PM
the Residence of the President of Idyllwild Arts
Tickets: $35 per person
Join three of Idyllwild’s best jazz musicians at a very special performance: Jazz at the President of Idyllwild Arts’ Residence. It is rare to find Paul Carman, Marshall Hawkins, and Barnaby Finch playing as a trio these days but it is even more exceptional to see this performance in such an intimate setting. The Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation present an afternoon of jazz while serving beverages and snacks.
The proceeds of all Associate fundraisers support the scholarship programs of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation and the arts in the community of Idyllwild.
Once a year the Associates celebrate the accomplishments and hard work of the faculty, staff, and leadership of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. It is our time to say THANK YOU personally to Idyllwild Arts. This year our Appreciation Night will be at the Mile High Cafe on Hwy 243 in Idyllwild; of course there is no charge for this event. Mile High will be serving delicious appetizers and Associates will be serving your favorite beverage. To complete this event, classical music students of Idyllwild Arts will donate their time to perform for you. The event is open to all current Associate members and all invited guests from Idyllwild Arts. Interested in attending but not yet a member? Click the Membership tab on this web site and become a member instantly.
Details, time, and location will be sent to all invited guests and members.
ROSE MALLETT: Jazz musician and vocalist. March 20, 2016
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation present a very special jazz brunch featuring Rose Mallett, Jazz musician and vocalist benefiting the scholarship programs of Idyllwild Arts. Rose Mallett has captured the essence of vocal delivery that some say reminds them of the range of Sarah Vaughan; the joy and playfulness of Ella Fitzgerald; the foreboding pain of Billie Holiday; and the regal articulation of Lena Horne. Rose is a featured performer at Jazz in the Pines 2016 but you can catch a preview at our Jazz Brunch Sunday March 20, 2016.
Plan to attend our Jazz Brunch!
Brunch will be served in the Fireside Room at Idyllwild Arts at 11:30 AM on March 20, 2016. Rose Mallett performs at “the Barn,” Stephens Recital Hall on the Idyllwild Arts Campus at 1:00 PM.
Purchase Tickets Now
Send Checks payable to “the Associates of IAF”
PO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
Additional information: associates@idyllwildarts.org
Join us for our first fundraiser of 2016: Mardi Gras Night. This event is not only a fundraiser but a membership/friendraiser. Associates are encouraged to bring a friend who is a potential new member. A great way to introduce the Associates to prospective new members. Remember, all net proceeds support the students at Idyllwild Arts Academy & Summer Program.
Friday February 5, 2016 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Rainbow Inn, 54420 South Circle Drive, Idyllwild, CA
Tickets: $35 per person for members of the Associates or community members. $15 per new prospective member. The prospective new member must attend with an Associate and the ticket must be purchased by an Associate.
Ticket price includes a full New Orleans style dinner (Jambalaya, Red Beans and Rice, and Gumbo) and dessert (King Cake), dancing, and Mardi Gras style fun.
A No-Host bar will offer Hurricanes as well as wine and beer.
Costumes and/or masks are encouraged.
To reserve your spot, please contact Barry Zander (zandersontheroad@gmail.com ) 949-292-8578 or Monique Zander (moniquezander38@gmail.com) 949.294.2462. Checks can be sent to Associates of IAF at PO Box 303, Idyllwild, CA 92549
Reservations must be made by Friday January 29, 2016
A Holiday Message
Many thanks to our community for your ongoing support, as we celebrate the Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation’s accomplishments this year.
Looking back on 2015, we can be proud of our successful fundraising efforts, community support, student support, and many more contributions. The Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation has truly helped Idyllwild Arts achieve its mission:
“Changing lives through the transformative power of art”
With your support, we have truly touched the lives of so many students of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program. We look forward to great things in 2016.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year,
Michael Slocum
President, the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation
“To act as a nonprofit association for the support of education in the arts;
Particularly the programs offered by Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
We also provide cultural activities for the community of Idyllwild.”
Holiday Meeting and Gathering
The Associates are hosting our Holiday Social Gathering immediately following our December Meeting on Saturday December 12, 2015, in the Fireside Room in Nelson Dining Hall. Meeting at 10:00 AM and our social mixer 11:00 – 1:00 PM. Entertainment, a light brunch, and mimosas! All Associates are invited to enjoy this Holiday Mixer.
The Associates Holiday Party and Raffle is Saturday December 12 in the Fireside Room @ 11 AM. We have 7 great gift baskets which will be part of our holiday raffle; tickets can be purchased in advance and winner need not be present to win. Tickets are $3 each/4 for $10/10 for $20. To purchase tickets in advance, contact Suzie at snuze@sbcglobal.net. Tickets will be on sale during the party until the drawings at 12:45 PM.
Our Gift Baskets make a wonderful gifts for friends and family as well as yourself! All contents of these beautiful baskets were donated by our local businesses and friends. Here is a sampling:
Fratello’s Restaurant Basket
Cafe Aroma Gift Basket
Mile High Gift Basket
Higher Ground Coffee Basket
Town Baker Basket
Spirit Mountain Retreat Center Package
Ferro’s Gift Basket
You can deposit tickets for just one basket or any basket of your choice. There is a minimum number of tickets required per basket. Drawing will be at 12:45 PM December 12, 2015.
Zip Line Adventure Fundraiser
On Sunday September 27, 2015 the Associates hosted the sold out Zip Line Adventure Fundraiser at Astro Camp. A BIG THANK YOU to Astro Camp for donating this fun afternoon. Thanks to all who “zipped across Astro Camp” for a great cause! As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
President’s Dinner
Our annual membership recognition dinner was held on September 17 at the home of Idyllwild Arts President Pamela Jordan and Christopher Scott. Become a President, Academy or Scholarship level member and join this wonderful evening. Champagne, wine, appetizers, dinner, dessert and impromptu entertainment! You never know who might take to the dance floor or break into song.
Jazz in the Pines – 2015
Jazz in the Pines, the idea of two Associates 22 years ago! After 21 years of hard work, the Associates passed the production of Jazz in the Pines to the Idyllwild Arts Foundation. But that didn’t slow down the planning, hard work, support, and volunteers for this event. We thank all who volunteered.
The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation is a California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
EIN number Tax ID 33-0035443
PO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
(951) 659-2131 x2333

The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation present
Wreaths for Charity
The Associates are pleased to announce our newest exciting, creative fundraiser, Wreathes for Charity. An auction filled with a collection of wreaths imagined and created by local community members that will take place in Idyllwild during a fun-filled event supporting the Scholarship Funds of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
We are inviting community members, Associate members, Idyllwild Arts faculty and students to create a wreath guided by their own imagination. Wreaths can be designed for Christmas, Hannukah, Halloween, New Years, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Spring, Mother’s Day, Patriotic Holidays, pet themes, pop art and culture, and wherever imagination takes them..
- Entry: Register your name, mailing address, email, and telephone contact by clicking on link below.
- Dates: September 1, 2023, to December 8, 2023.
- Delivery: All finished wreaths must be delivered to Nelson Dining Hall, Idyllwild Arts Campus not later than 5:00 PM on December 8, 2023.
- Auction: Wreaths for Charity Auction is Saturday December 16, 2023, beginning at 4:00 PM.
- Specifications: Wreaths must be between 18 inches and 48 inches in diameter and be able to be hung on a wall.
- Materials: All materials must be fire-proof. No candles. The use of lights and sound are allowed. No other material restrictions.
- Costs: The wreath creator is responsible for all material costs.
- Sponsorships: A limited number of sponsorships will be available: $25 -$50. Sponsorship to cover material cost only.
- To request a sponsorship click the button below.
- Upon donation and delivery of the wreath, all finished wreaths become the property of the Associates OF IAF.
- Unsold wreaths will be donated to charity.

Honor the founder of the Associates Endowment Fund, Katie Grisby
Katie Grigsby was instrumental in establishing a permanent endowment fund in support of Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program students. She was the leader of a group of Associates that recommended that a $1,600 Elderhostel donation be used to fund a new endowment.
Our Endowment Fund was created in 1968 and grew over the first years with many small donations. Larger donations have been made in memory of Associates and others who have passed away.
Katie’s recommendation that the Associates donate 10% of the net proceeds of Jazz in the Pines and other special events is the driving force for the endowment’s growth to over $300,000 today.
Each year, the Associates Endowment Fund makes a donation supporting the students of Idyllwild Arts in need of scholarships. Please consider being part of that gift.
Please take this opportunity to make a contribution to our Endowment Fund in honor of Katie Grisby or your own family or friend.
Teacher Appreciation Day
Join the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation salutes the Faculty and Staff of Idyllwild Arts.
Tuesday May 2, 2023 11:30-2:00 PM at Nelson Dining Hall