Our annual fun filled afternoon at Astro Camp! Join the Associates for this afternoon of zip lining at Astro Camp. Tickets are $30 per person and each ticket holder is entitled to two rides. This event, like all Associate events, is a fundraiser for the Scholarship Programs of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program.
This year we have just 20 spots so order fast! It has always sold out but this year with limited availability, it is a guaranteed early sell out. To reserve your spot:
Please mail a check payable to the Associates of IAF
PO Box 303
Idyllwild, CA 92549
Please mark check “Zip Line.” Each order MUST include full names of those attending, email or mailing address, and telephone numbers. An Astro Camp agreement will be sent to all prior to October 1, 2016.
Restrictions Apply: Must be 7 years of age or older. Must weigh less than 250 pounds. Able to walk 1/2 mile and climb a cargo net. No broken bones, no heart or back issues. Not pregnant. All gear and training provided by Astro Camp.
For more information, please email